If you have been on the heavier end of the spectrum, you must have done your fair share of diets and detoxes. In a world where the ‘ideal body’ is forever coveted, there is much pressure to remain in this category. Since the time that weight has been considered an issue, we have had fad diets around us. Some of them ask you to practically starve yourself for some time to drop those extra kilos. Others recommend drinking unspeakably foul-tasting concoctions to blast away belly fat.
While some fad diets can be used to drop weight before a big event quickly, they are never a healthy weight-loss alternative. This is even truer in the case of diets that severely restrict your calorie-intake to unhealthy lows. Some other diets will encourage you to eliminate entire food groups, which isn’t a healthy option either. The other alternative to losing weight can be found in exercise. There are a wide array of aerobic training videos, workout videos, and other exercise formats that promise to help you shed the pound and keep it off. But, do any of these really work?
If you have tried to stick to an exercise regime and failed, you will know that the advertised effectiveness of a program does not assure results. Sure, you may have paid a hefty amount for what many tell you is definitely the ‘elixir to weight loss success’. But even then, there is no guarantee that you will get the results you desire.
One thing that’s common among all these fad diets and so-called perfect exercise videos is that they are not safe, efficient or lasting. Even if they do help out in the short-term, they won’t leave you with lasting results. In the worst case scenario, they will deprive your body of essential nutrients, harming your overall health.
So what’s the alternative?
Well, in this article we’re going to take an in-depth look at the Fat Decimator System. In this Fat Decimator System review, we’ll take an honest and unbiased look at the program, as well as what it can, and cannot do for your weight loss ambitions.

The Fat Decimator System Review: An Overview
Kyle Cooper is one of the important people when it comes to the Fat Decimator System by Wes Virgin. This ex-military man is now a highly sought after virtual fitness trainer and motivational speaker. Based in Houston, Texas, Wesley Virgin hosts a popular YouTube channel where he uploads workout and exercise videos as well as videos about dietary advice and information about supplements. He is also available on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. He also has his own website and blog where he speaks about positive mental attitude, among other things. In 2008, Wesley Virgin created the 7 Day Fitness which has undoubtedly helped many people train via intense workouts and through weight loss boot camps.
The Fat Decimator System (FDS) is created by Kyle Cooper. It is a 140-page, fully loaded book that contains every piece of information that is needed to shed the pounds right away. It doesn’t matter if you are 5 pounds overweight, or if you need to lose 25 pounds. This book claims to know the right way to help you shed those pounds in no time. Advertisements about FDS claim that it can help with getting rid of all types of stubborn weight like post-partum pounds, to holiday weight gain. It also speaks about the actual reason behind your excess weight and flabby belly.
This weight-loss system claims to focus on a more science-based approach to dieting which enables followers to lose up to one pound of belly fat every 72 hours. Steep? Well, we think so too. This is why we set out to review this product by ourselves.
What Does the Fat Decimator Contain?

Although we tend to complicate things when it comes to weight loss, the truth is that successful weight loss comes from a simple mathematics-led principle. This principle states that you must burn more than you consume for an extended period of time. To ensure that you get the full benefits of this principle, you may need a little guidance. Over the years, tons of research has gone into learning more about the scientific process of weight loss.
With each passing year, we see new research that brings new facts to light about how our bodies lose weight under a microscope. This scientific discovery leads to more refined knowledge about the right diet and exercise regime for maximum weight loss. Additionally, the benefit of a research-led scientific approach to weight loss ensures that you lose the pounds in a healthy, sustainable and lasting way.
With the comprehensive Fat Decimator System, you get a fully-equipped weight loss informational system which provides you with all you need to change your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle. It speaks about the 80:20 rule, where a healthy diet makes up 80% of the weight loss process, and exercise makes up 20%. Regimes that do not work on this principle usually don’t lead to long-term weight loss.
The Fat Decimator System by Wesley Virgin is divided into three distinct sections. Let’s take a look at these sections and what information they provide.
Diet: The first part of The Fat Decimator System highlights the importance of detoxing. It talks about how detoxifying the body is essential before weight loss. In this section, you’ll also learn how toxins may hold back your metabolism. In this section of FDS, you will understand what type of diet will bring your entire system closer to being cleaner, so that your body and mind can perform at their max potential. Additionally, this section highlights which foods are inherently energy-rich, and which ‘so-called bad fruits’ actually facilitate and amplify the rate of fat burn in the body.
Exercise: The exercise section of the Fat Decimator System talks about what kind of tasks you should be performing to lose weight in accompaniment with the dietary regulations. This section contains a variety of supercharged exercises that claim to virtually melt away years and years of body fat deposits. Moreover, these exercises supposedly help in softening stubborn fat cells, to bring in noticeable losses. When combined with the metabolism-boosting diet, these quick and effective workout routines help in doubling up the speed by which one loses weight.
Willpower, Mindset, and Motivation: This third section of this program delves into motivation. Now, while many other programs like this one exist in the market, this third section is what sets it apart from the others. Rather than sticking to common myths and stereotypes about keeping yourself on track with your goals, this program tries to explain the underlying reality of motivation. By understanding how you can remain focused towards your goal, your weight loss journey will be revolutionized. This is considered one of the most impactful sections since it has helped many people reduce their weight to achieve their goals. Most importantly, this motivation and mindset-formation help keep off the weight that you lose.
These three components come together to offer a comprehensive, well-equipped, and fully-loaded fat loss program that can help you achieve the weight loss you have been eyeing.
To understand what you will learn through this system, let’s take a look at some more topics covered in this program:
Rapid Weight Loss – While we all want to lose weight, this program talks about how to do so rapidly.
Why 3 Weeks Works – How it takes three weeks of a regime change to see noticeable results
21 Days to Form a Habit – One of the most well-known habit-formation tactics speak about how it takes 21 days to make an action a habit. This knowledge can be used to effectively transform your habits to attain the weight loss results you desire.
The Truth about Weight Loss – Rather than going with whatever other stereotypes have been circulating, this part specifies the truths associated with weight loss.
How You Become Fat – Obviously none of us became fat or overweight overnight. This part of the Fat Decimator System explains how we actually gain weight and become fat. This understanding is instrumental in learning to lose weight properly.
How You Become Thin – Again, the process of getting slimmer Is more complicated than we assume. This section highlights the scientific method by which we lose weight and become thin.
Nutrients – In most weight loss journeys, the imbalance in nutrition absorption can lead to a host of health problems and deficiencies. This section of the Fat Decimator System highlights the importance of nutrients, nutritional balance and their role in your weight loss journey.
Fruits and Vegetables – We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for health, but did you know that not all of them have a role to play in weight loss? This section helps you evaluate which fruits and vegetable to incorporate and which ones to eliminate from your diet.
Protein, Fat and Carbs – The Fat Decimator System doesn’t want you to eliminate any particular food groups from your diet. Instead, it focuses on teaching you the right balance of all these to ensure your diet is weight-loss friendly. In phases, you will learn how to holistically eat to lose weight naturally.
Apart from these important topics, this Program also talks about metabolism, simple ways to accelerate weight loss, the rules of fat loss, reducing carb intake, the right exercises, the right type of cardio and so on.
Who is The Fat Decimator System Program Designed For?
The Fat Decimator System has been crafted exceptionally for people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. It’s simplistic and straightforward style has been designed so that even average people with busy schedules and not enough time to dedicate to weight loss can follow it. This is why the creator claims that the FDS set-up is easy to follow and simple enough to incorporate into the average person’s daily schedule. Clearly, FDS doesn’t target athletes or bodybuilders.
Although they cater to people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, this program can be followed by people of any ages to achieve their weight loss goals. The principles highlighted in the book are pretty straightforward and universal. So, incorporating this knowledge to lose 20 pounds or even 120 pounds is a real possibility.
Benefits of the Fat Decimator System
Now that you have understood what the Fat Decimator Sytem is all about, let’s take a look at the best benefits of this program.
1. No Side Effects
The Fat Decimator System doesn’t require you to ingest any chemical supplements or meal replacement powders. Instead, it focuses on using the goodness of a natural, healthy, and balanced diet it encourages holistic weight loss. The best benefit of this is that the weight you lose is sustainable, and without torturing your body out of its natural capacities.
Most importantly, this diet and exercise program will not cause any side effects that may arise from other types of products.
2. Can Help Curb Sugar Dependency or Addiction
The Fat Decimator System is a strong believer in staying away from processed and refined food in all forms and shapes. The same is applicable when it comes to sugar. This product vehemently advises against using sugar in your diet and even offers practical solutions on how to get rid of it from your diet. For those who have been wishing to get rid of their artificial sugar dependency, this product can help tremendously.
3. 100% Natural Methods Used
By using natural ingredients and plenty of fruits and vegetables, this program’s diet regime is fully natural and loaded with nutritious food. There are no artificial or chemical additives that will enter your body during FDS. This means that while you lose weight, you also holistically fortify your body, protecting it against illness, disease, weakness, and signs of ageing. Additionally, you won’t have to spend money on any artificial sweeteners, or special flour, supplements, powders or any other speciality items like that.
4. Quick and Noticeable Weight Loss
When followed strictly, the Fat Decimator System can help you drop the pounds quickly. Many reports online suggest that you could lose up to 21 pounds in 21 days! While that rate of loss may not apply to everyone, you are bound to get noticeable results in a relatively shorter amount of time. However, the critical point here is that you must adhere to the plan strictly.
5. Motivation and Willpower Strengthening
Probably the most unique section in the FDS program, the ‘Motivation, Mindset and Willpower’ part of the book is incredibly useful. For most people, giving up on their weight loss journey happens easily when they don’t see results quickly enough, or when they can’t seem to focus on the right lifestyle changes. This section helps keep you in line with your goals and also teaches you how to be motivated by yourself.
6. Cost Effective eBook
The Fat Decimator System eBook by has a lot of information and knowledge about weight loss in an easy-to-access format. Additionally, it costs only around $37 for the PDF. Considering how much information is packed into one small book, this price is surely cost-effective and a wise investment.
The best part about this? The entire FDS program is available online, meaning that you can access it from anywhere, at any time. For people who are always on the go, or who have a tight schedule, this comes as a boon. You can just bookmark the FDS website in your browser and download the ebook onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or even desktop. Additionally, all the bonuses we highlighted above come free with this ebook purchase.
7. Clear Guidelines that are Easy to Follow
The FDS ebook is exceptionally detailed in the diet, exercise, as well as motivation sectors. The information provided by the book is thorough, comprehensive and in-depth. Right from which so-called healthy foods should be avoided, to other tips such as avoiding excessive cardio, the guidelines in this book are pretty easy to follow and don’t require much in terms of research or niche knowledge. The step-by-step format is pretty easy to follow and will help you get closer to a fitter body and a healthier mind.
8. Perfect for Those Who Have Less Time
If you’re like a large majority of the urban population, you will always be pressed for time. In most cases, people don’t have too much time to invest in working out, or even in preparing a bunch of foods that take away from their productive time. For people who are always on the go, the Fat Decimator System is a good option. This product has been designed in such a way that it only helps you by providing the most relevant information in a fast, easy to implement manner.
9. Money Back Guarantee
When it comes to online weight loss products, it is necessary to always go for options that have a money back guarantee attached to the purchase. The Fat Decimator System is one of the online programs that offer a money back guarantee in case you aren’t completely satisfied with the product. So if this product is of no help to you, you have a 60-day period to return it.
Downsides of the Fat Decimator System
Now, let’s take a look at the cons or disadvantags of the Fat Decimator System
1. No New Inputs of Information
While we really enjoy the in-depth and holistic approach of the Fat Decimator System, we don’t think the product offers anything new. Essentially, it’s the same information that you must have already come across at some point or the other. While it is a scientifically led approach to losing weight, more than half of what is incorporated into the book might be common knowledge. After all, we all know that we have to drink enough water and eat enough vegetables to be healthy and fit, right?
However, the author seems to have specific takes on which fruits, vegetables, and food are good for you and which aren’t, so that may be the only saving grace.
2. Poor Customer Support System
The Fat Decimator System program has a Facebook customer support system. Yup, that’s all. In an age where every brand wants to be available on as many different platforms as possible, this is certainly fishy. So, if you are looking for a whole bunch of support from the FDS team or if you have any queries, you may be disappointed. Additionally, on the Facebook group, you won’t find a lot of interaction from the official spokespeople or even users. Essentially speaking, you’ll be almost on your own.
3. Poor Buying Availability
The fat decimator system book is only available for purchase on the manufacturer’s website. This makes it difficult to find any discounts or payment options. Additionally, you don’t really have a choice as to where to purchase this product from.
4. Not Vegan or Vegetarian-Friendly
The diet section of the Fat Decimator System contains a lot of advice on the right diet to follow for weight loss. However, this section includes information on consuming meat and even dairy products. This means that vegans and vegetarians won’t be able to use this product without intense modifications effectively. And let’s be honest, the modifications will completely take away from the essence of the product.
We would recommend to go for the Flat Belly Fix program instead of the FDS.
Final Thoughts
The Fat Decimator System has its own share of pros and cons, as highlighted above. This product created by the Ex-Army veteran Kyle Cooper is a smart guide to rapid weight loss. But it may not be suitable for many. While it also comes packed with practical tips and tricks that promise to shed pounds quickly, we aren’t sure if your $37 investment is worth, if you already know most of these basics.
This is why we suggest that this product should be brought by those who are fairly new to weight loss and who would like to understand the fundamentals behind shedding the pounds successfully. Additionally, the motivation section is incredibly amazing since it helps keep you on track with your goals and teaches you how you can be determined inspite of whatever is happening around you.